Dr. Stefano Benegiamo

I received the degree in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Bologna taking a final score of 102/110. I took my degrees in Psychotherapy and Analytical Psychology at A.I.P.A. (Associazione Italiana di Psicologia Analitica), a member of I.A.A.P. (International Association of Analitical Psychology).

I have continuosly sought to mantain my pofessional competence by taking professional certification in various specialties relevant to my service to clients. Specifically, in 2000/2001 I received the Certificate of Professional Training in Eating Disorders and Obesity, and in 2004 I participated in the Core Training organized by the International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association.

In additional, I have been engaged in professional activities such as organizing seminars and training programs for the profession. My practice is directed at Individual Therapy and Balint Groups discussant on the doctor-patient relationship. I have over twenty years experience in providing services to clients and the profession.

My practice is located at 24 in Via Leonardo Da Vinci.

For an appointment please call my office.

0039 328 8829999